Sunday, May 2, 2010

Gatlinburg pictures

Jerry/Crystal,Kenneth/Darlene,Scheller/Betty Joe, and Jack/Betty/Jay/Miranda.

Gatlinburg, TN

Add ImageWhat a great looking crowd. This is some of our Hi-Steppers. I want to thank our newest members for going with us to Gatlinburg, they did a wonderful job.

2010 Gatlinburg, TN Spring Fling

As you all know this past weekend was the annual Spring Fling held in Gatlinburg, TN every year. Here is a video of some of the Camden Hi-Steppers that attended. We had a great time as always, and had 7 couples from Camden attending. You can be proud, Camden Hi-Steppers had a very good showing. This will be held again in 2011 the first weekend in May. Make plans to attend.